Conventional methods to make details visible of this UAP failed so we have to use a much more sophisticated and lesser known image processing techniques. One of these special methods is the scanning of the mathematical morphology and detection of edges, peaks, curvature and geometrical features of an object in an image.
In plain English: Our software makes a relief map of the entire image and shows all features on a surface/background that normally are not visible to our eyes or very hard to detect. By adjusting "smoothness, contrast, radius and light intensity" we bring forward the object.
The final image is gray-scale with no reflective surface.
In part 5 we have shown you samples of BAS(R) processed images.
In part 6 we go a step further and literally dive deeper into the UAP structure by using another special imaging process named PTM or Polynomial Texture Mapping. It is a process similar to BAS(R) except that PTM images have a surface with a metallic silver-color look which allows for a whole lot more depth perspective.
I used Frame 72000243 for the analysis from the original Lazar video. This frame appears blurred and out of focus but there is absolutely nothing wrong with this image. Fact is that the human eye simply is unable to see the thousands of contrast levels in this bright shining UAP so to us it is just a bright speck. Luckily Polynomial Texture Mapping offers us a perfect way to show you what this UAP really looks like.
I will try to explain in a few simple words how PTM works in practice:
A PTM image is created by making a series of pictures from a single static object. The object is lit by means of either A) a direct light source or B) an artificially generated light source and in both cases the reflected light is captured. By changing the angle of the light source and by varying light intensity we make dozens of these PTM images. By stacking 48 different PTM images of frame 72000243 (48 different light angles), the UAP appears to be 3D but this is an optical illusion.
Any (low) light source is perfect to create good qualityPTM images. Especially dark images containing a dim object are excellent material to work with. In this case we have a UAP with a very bright center against a dark background and I must admit that it is not the most ideal image but the PTM also can show the parts of the UAP which are still hidden in the background.
By adjusting "smoothness, contrast, radius and light intensity" I was able to fine tune the details.
The colors in this video are completely artificial. I have added them so you could see more of the finer details. BAS(R) and PTM are never in color.
Now I will show you some results of PTM enhancements of this one frame: 72000243.
In this video we combined our PTM images. Using special contrast filters we enhanced certain parts of each image and when we stacked them we created a new image revealing even more details. By creating a short video of these images and using (super) slow motion technology a movie was made of the UAP. We call this UAP the Hamburger because the center of the craft looks like one. Inside the Hamburger we see a tower construction and inside the core the three gravity amplifiers.
(120 degrees separation).
When Bob Lazar exposed Area 51 and told the world about the UAP he worked on at S4, there was no other way for him to provide the necessarily evidence than to film the craft during a test flight. We all know how that ended. What was filmed back in 1989 was visible on TV as a white jumping blob of light. No one would ever consider this tiny spot to be the UAP that Lazar talked about. True, in 1989 this indeed looked like a tiny white light, far away in the distance and true it did not resemble a craft.
The past 6 years I have used every means of forensic image processing to make this craft visible and finally I can deliver you the visual EVIDENCE.
It would have been impossible for Lazar (or anyone for that matter) to know details about the inner construction of the UAP unless he had actually been there and guess what? Everything he told us about the gravity amplifiers, the gravity emitters and the wave-guide, plus many more details fully match with the images you will see in this presentation. Lazar told the truth and now we have the visual evidence that substantiates it.
Lazar has made some unfortunate statements and like so many other well known absent-minded scientists he regularly mixed up things or did not quite explain what he really meant to say. (I have that too sometimes! Don't you?).
There are doubts about his education and his professional history, mostly this is fed by people that have no idea what they are talking about. Trust me, When your government wants to make something disappear they can do that just as easily as they can create a fake identity for the people that are in the witness protection program, work undercover, for the intelligence service or need
a new ID for other purposes. Don't be naive.
The military constantly develops highly advanced weaponry and for that they must use highly skilled scientists but who are they? Do you know them? Fact is that it could be your friendly neighbor and you have absolutely no idea what is really going on.
Lazar worked at S4 on other worldly craft that's a fact. I trust Lazar! I trust his description and I fully trust my images so now it is up to you. Who do you trust? Lazar and the evidence or these hordes of ignorant people?
Credits: Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell and Bob Lazar.
Video fragments for explanations used from: Bob Lazar Area 51 &.Flying Saucers 2018
We told you that this video consisted of 8 episodes well this presentation also asks for your attention.
We show you two UAP. The first one is a frame from the video that Bob Lazar made in 1989, the second one from a UAP filmed in 1991. Look at the similarity. This could be the same craft!
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