The Image Analysis Team is a group of image processors from around the world, each with their own set of skills in processing. We began primarily focusing on UAP footage from Area 51, but recently have begun to focus on analysing images of black holes utilising proprietary technology.
Join us for an exciting journey through space and time as we examine images of otherworldly craft and the incredible gravitational forces at work inside of black holes.
30 + years experience with all manner of high end video and photo forensic analysis software.
In later years I travelled to Area 51 shortly after Bob Lazar revealed the existence of the base and the advanced craft being test flown there.
The Image Analysis Team was formed when A51Watcher began sharing the footage of his trip to Area 51 online.
One by one professional image processors from around the world began to take note when they heard about the existence of the footage, and processed it.
The I.A.T also processed the Bob Lazar footage taken at Area 51 which lead to similar results.
Professor Deuem's curiosity about hidden pixels in images led to the discovery of DEUEM image processing.
All information pertaining to this individual is unavailable.
My interest in UAP research started approximately 20 years ago when I had my first local sighting.
From there I started to investigate the history of New Zealand UAP sightings and the one that caught my eye the most was the famous
Kaikoura lights.
I have since been working extensively researching the Kaikoura lights obtaining the original digitised HD quality video material. Furthermore I support the team collecting field and web data.
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